Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Two Important Moments in The Force Awakens Novel That Weren't On Screen

I finished reading the novelization of Star Wars: The Force Awakens today and came across two moments that caught my attention. Both occur during the fight between Kylo Ren and Rey. 

As we see in the film, Kylo Ren injures Finn and causes the lightsaber to fall into the snow, followed by Ren trying to seize it by using the Force. Then, instead of landing in the hands of Kylo Ren, it lands in Rey's outstretched hand. Now, in the film, this moment has no dialogue, but in the novel Kylo Ren says, "It is you." Does Kylo Ren realize that he is face to face with his cousin, or sister? However, I still firmly believe that she is Luke's daughter. There are too many hints for it not to be, and the way this particular part is written and delivered in the audiobook, I think it's true. 

Later, after Rey is able to beat Kylo Ren and has the ability to strike him down, she hears the voice of Snoke in her head. Only two words are spoken: "Kill him." Snoke realizes Rey is very strong with the Force and is tryin to corrupt her, just as Palpatine did to Anakin and Luke. Remember, in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin has Dooku on the ground with both lightsabers around his neck. Palpatine tells him the same thing. To kill Dooku. Rey even entertains the thought in the novel but quickly turns away from the impulse to do so. 

Specifically, these two moments in the most pivotal part of the film contain some very important pieces of information that could find their way into Episode VIII. I'm also curious to know why they weren't included in the film. 


Monday, December 28, 2015

"Before The Awakening" by Greg Rucka Review

Greg Rucka's Before The Awakening examines the lives of Rey, Finn, and Poe Dameron before the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Each character has their own chapter in which we delve into how they became key players in the fight against the First Order. To be clear, the events that take place in this book are only weeks, or months, prior to the new film. 

Before he was Finn, FN-2187 was a storm trooper in the First Order. During the training simulations he would exemplify leadership, loyalty and intelligence while carrying out attacks against Republic Forces. Under the watchful eye of Captain Phasma, who had high hopes for FN-2187, he showed compassion for his fellow soldiers, especially FN-2003, nicknamed "Slip," who always seemed to be falling behind. Unfortunately, in the eyes of Captain Phasma, one should let the weakest link perish on their own and the only loyalty that should be shown is to the First Order, not a fellow soldier. FN-2187 tried to believe that, but he could not. He even  thought of losing intentionally to Slip in hand-to-hand combat exercises after the trooper had become injured. After speaking once again with FN-2187, Captain Phasma reassigned him to a different mission than his initial one: the attack on the Jakku village. 

Rey's chapter underscores her life as a scavenger on Jakku, but we also find out more about Rey herself. We learn that she is a mechanical wiz. She built the speeder we see in the film from scavenged parts, also constructed her own flight simulator and became an excellent pilot as we would soon learn. Rucka also includes one very important detail about Rey: her combat skills. Rey is feared by others due to her skills with her staff, but she prefers not to fight, although she will if she has to. This would explain why she can handle a lightsaber.  Now, the basis of this chapter revolves around a find that Rey makes while out scavenging. She comes across a small  light freighter that she insists on fixing and intends to sell to Unkar Plutt for rations. While tending to the freighter, two other scavengers, Devi and Strunk, offer their help in exchange for a share of the rations once the sale has been made. At first, Rey is reluctant to agree because she fears they would sell it as their own, but later decides that she can use their help. After they fix the freighter, the last thing to do is sell it to Unkar Plutt. As she is about to make the deal, Rey hears the engine and sees the freighter disappear into the sky. Almost indifferent to what has occurred, Rey travels back to her home, as usual, and awaits the return of her parents. 

Poe Dameron
For those who have read Shattered Empire, we know that Poe's parents were a part of the Rebellion and saw the defeat of the Empire and the destruction of the second Death Star. As a child, Poe's mother would take him up in her A-Wing and from then on, Poe developed a love for flying. When it came to discussing the war, she never said much. Unfortunately, she passed away when Poe was only eight years old. Poe would then become the best pilot in the Republic Navy after learning to fly his mothers A-Wing. His story begins with his team on patrol, basically policing Republic space. After saying that these patrols never lead to anything, his team gets a distress call from another ship and find themselves in the presence of the First Order. Upon their return, and after losing one of their own, Poe forcefully states that the First Order is a dangerous entity and must be taken seriously, but those in charge prefer to not engage and that infuriates Poe. But, that doesn't stop him for long. On his second patrol, Poe returns to the supposed location of the captured ship and runs into the First Order once again, but is able to escape.  As one would assume, those in charge soon found out what had transpired. Although he thought the worst, Poe was soon in the presence of General Leia Organa. She comments on Poe's most recent attempt to find out more about the captured ship and says that the Resistance could use more pilots like him. Leia doesn't believe that the Republic is taking the threat posed by the First Order seriously and decided that something should be done. Almost without hesitation, Poe agrees to join the Resistance. He is then sent on a mission along with his team. Leia believes that there is a senator who has been giving information to the First Order. It is their job to capture the vessel and obtain the information that is kept in its memory. The main challenge is that they have a small window to conduct this operation, and should they fail, the Resistance must deny all involvement. Thankfully, they succeeded. Now, upon gaining the information from that vessel, another piece of a puzzle that Leia has been trying to solve for some time has been found: the whereabouts of her brother, Luke Skywalker and the Resistance must find him first. Poe is then sent to Jakku to the home of Lor San Tekka who has vital information about the last Jedi. 

Greg Rucka does a fantastic job detailing the lives of our heroes in the short time leading up to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We know more about these characters and their motivations. This novel also makes the viewing of the new film that much more enjoyable with hear new bits of information. I would highly recommend this book for the fans who want to know as much as possible about the new characters and the state of the universe. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Two Major Questions I Hope Get Answered in Episode VIII

It's that time again ladies and gentlemen. We have 519 days until Episode VIII hits theaters, which means we have free reign on theories and speculations for a year and a half. So, without further ado, here we go!

1. Who is Rey?

Rey's origins are, for the most part, unknown. We first see her scavenging on Jakku, living inside a downed AT-AT, and living in isolation. Then, upon meeting BB-8, she says that she's been waiting for her family to return, which would explain the marks Rey is making in the inside of the walker. Also, during the vision that Rey is having after touching the lightsaber, it's clear that she was left on Jakku as a child. An observation I made the second time I saw the movie was that Unkar Plutt, the junk dealer on Jakku, can be seen dragging a young Rey away while she is yelling "Come back!" Upon further analysis, we then find out Obi-Wan can be heard saying "Rey, " as well as "These are your first steps." Has she had a connection with Obi-Wan in the past? Now, aside from those details, there are a select few that lead me to believe that Rey is Luke's daughter. First off, reading Before The Awakening, Greg Rucka expertly describes Rey's mechanical abilities, very reminiscent of Anakin's. She built her speeder and a flight simulator from spare parts. Secondly, she is a great pilot, as was Luke and Anakin. Thirdly, the way Leia acknowledges her after exiting the Falcon, it seems like she knows exactly who Rey is but wants her to find out the truth for herself. Lastly, the look of recognition when Luke sees her. I strongly believe he had just seen his daughter for the first time in a very long time. Also, who else was left on a desert planet for their own protection and ended up going on a heroes journey? Luke.

2. How did Ben Solo, now Kylo Ren, turn to the dark side?

From what was divulged in The Force Awakens, Ben Solo was seduced to the dark side by Supreme Leader Snoke. While on the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo informs Finn and Rey that Luke was training a new generation of Jedi, until one "turned against him and destroyed everything." What was the catalyst that led Ben Solo down a dark path? As we can see from The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren has an obsession with his grandfather. One would assume that Luke made clear that Darth Vader ceased to exist once he was redeemed and thus became Anakin Skywalker once again. Now, I read on that Anakin's force ghost was supposed to appear in Episode VII, but its the state of Anakin in the force that is interesting. The "Art of The Force Awakens" suggests that Anakin "flows" back and forth between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader. What if Ben Solo began to see the force ghost of Darth Vader and was slowly turned against the teachings of his uncle? In the film Kylo Ren does say "Show me again, the power of the darkness," all while sitting in front of Vader's mask. It suggests that it has happened before. There are also rumors that Hayden Christensen will appear in Episode VIII as a force ghost, but how will that play out? Will Luke and Rey be in the presence of Anakin Skywalker, while Kylo Ren and is in the presence of Darth Vader? It would be a fascinating thing to explore if the ability to flow between persona's is true.

We have 519 days to speculate, so why not throw some things out there to get the conversation going!

Here is the article:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What Went Wrong With Star Wars: The Force Awakens Response

Today, an article was written on The Blaze, an internet news site that has become quite a popular destination for many. The article was titled "What Went Wrong With Star Wars: The Force Awakens." In the article, the author, William Avitt, essentially states that it is a rehash of the original trilogy, namely A New Hope. He goes on to make the comparisons of BB-8 to R2-D2 and their objective, how the droid falls into the hands of the new heroes, and there being another Death Star (apparently the author forgot about Return of the Jedi and the second Death Star). Despite having a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes and destroying records at the box office, he says The Force Awakens wasn't a good movie. I couldn't disagree more.

Yes, there are similar beats to the original trilogy. But, one has to understand the task that J.J. Abrams had to undertake. Many Star Wars fans were extremely disappointed with the prequel trilogy and wanted the new trilogy to feel like Star Wars again. To make that happen, while bringing in new fans to the franchise, J.J. had to make this film feel familiar to the previous generation and he delivered on a grand scale.

Avitt then mentions the cast having superb performances, except for Adam Driver. He believed that the character of Kylo Ren was just a "spoiled brat" and wasn't an imposing villain. One particular statement left me absolutely astounded. Avitt says, "This was the result of bad casting more than bad scripting. In "Revenge of the Sith" when Anakin turns to the Dark Side, he radiates evil. You can see Darth Vader in the eyes, and the physical performance. You don't get this from Adam Driver's Kylo Ren when the mask comes off." So, in essence Avitt is saying that Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin Skywalker is better than Adam Driver's Kylo Ren. Wow.

First off, Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo has already turned to the Dark Side. We don't see the progression, unless you want this to be a 10 hour movie. You also see the conflict within this character that makes him unhinged at times, and that alone makes him an imposing figure. Darth Vader had no conflict within him until Return of the Jedi. Finally, he killed his own father, which happened to be Han Solo. The amount of emotion, or lack thereof, from Adam Driver during that scene was incredible. In my opinion, at that moment, he surpassed Anakin slaughtering the youngling in the Jedi Temple, something Kylo Ren had already done.

As for Starkiller Base, history repeats itself. The easiest comparison I can make is that of Iran's nuclear program. Does anyone think they will stop trying to accomplish that goal just because they have tried it before and were unsuccessful? No. Same with the concept of Starkiller Base. It destroyed 5 planets and was much harder to penetrate! Could I have gone with something else instead? Sure. But, I understand why they did this. Again, familiarity. Plus, George Lucas always said the Star Wars saga was like a poem. It rhymed with each stanza.

While Star Wars: The Force Awakens has similar beats to A New Hope, it does a good job of standing alone as a new installment in the trilogy. We are introduced to a character we have never seen before in Finn. Never before have we seen who s underneath the armor of a storm trooper. We have never seen a character quite like Rey either. Her strong connection to the Force is unmatched in the original trilogy Luke when he begins his journey. He also isn't forced to duel with a lightsaber against anyone either. Kylo Ren is also a very different villain and the most intriguing one we've seen in these films, aside from Vader and the Emperor, but I think that can change. Finally, Supreme Leader Snoke could be a huge reveal for many hardcore fans and be a character that ties in the prequel trilogy with the current trilogy.

Above all, this movie wasn't trying to answer every question, nor did it have to have a definitive end. When the original Star Wars was released, George Lucas didn't know if he would be able to make a sequel, so that film felt like it had its own conclusion. This new trilogy knows where it's headed, and Disney is planning on releasing a new Star Wars film every year, so that fear is gone. Also, The Force Awakens, as Kristian Harloff put it, is playing the long game and are wise for doing so. If J.J. Abrams tried to cover all the bases and go through 30 years of history in one film, it would have been terrible.

I respect the author's opinion, but I disagree wholeheartedly with his assessment of this film. Star Wars: The Force Awakens succeeded in bringing in a new fan base while appealing to the old. The box office and fan reactions show it. The amount of repeat viewings this film has had says it all. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Force Awakens Flashback Scene and Rey Speculations

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there is a particular scene in Maz Kanata's castle in which Rey is called to Luke's lightsaber. Upon touching it, there is a flashback sequence that contains interesting details. 

First, we see what seems to be the same corridor from Cloud City where Vader and Luke face off for the first time. As we depart that scene, you can hear Luke yell "No!" Now, we are left with the Knights of Ren slaughtering, what I believe are Jedi that Luke has been training. Hence the shot of Luke and R2-D2 standing in front of what seems to be a funeral pire. During that sequence you can also hear dialogue from Yoda. Whether that is from the original trilogy or new dialogue from Yoda as a force ghost, I don't know. However, we can clearly hear the voice of Obi-Wan say "Rey," and at the end of the flashback say "these are your first steps." It has been confirmed that Obi-Wan and Yoda are in that scene. Frank Oz recorded the dialogue, and J.J. pulled dialogue from Alec Guiness saying the word "afraid" and edited it so it would say "Rey." It has also been confirmed that Ewan McGregor recorded the "these are your first steps" dialogue. 

That scene alone leads me to believe that Rey was being trained as a child because it sounds like Obi-Wan was communicating with her at a young age.  The references by Kylo Ren of a an "island" and "ocean" are very similar to Luke's current location. Either Rey senses where he is and doesn't know it, or she was trained on that island as a child. 

Now, we see that she was left on Jakku by someone. That someone, however, I don't believe is Luke. The person who has a hold of Rey is clearly the alien who is handing out the portions on Jakku. If Lor San Tekka is so close by, and is a friend of Leia and the Resistance, I have a hard time believing Luke would not leave her with him. 

My theory is that Rey was in the hands of her mother during the early stages of her training. The reason I say this is because of the way she handles a lightsaber. If the new trilogy follows the EU when it comes to Mara Jade, or a Mara Jade like character being Rey's mother, it shows in her fighting style. She often uses that stabbing motion in her fight with Kylo Ren. That detail is very important considering Mara Jade was trained by Palpatine. If she was in charge of training Rey, it shows. If you look at Palpatine's duel with Mace Windu, you see that style a few times. There are also shades of Anakin and Luke's styles of fighting. 

So, I believe Rey's memory was suppressed by Luke to keep her safe from the Knights of Ren, the First Order and Snoke. She was then left on Jakku by an unknown character, or tried to get a ride on that ship that dropped her off on Jakku in order to get to Luke on the island that he now resides, and was instead discovered, and left on the planet. Then, as she was in situations where her abilities had to be utilized, she began to recall some of her training but believes it to be something unexplainable. 

I could be totally wrong, but I think there's something to it. What do you guys think? 

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been in theaters for a few days now which means its time for a spoiler filled review. If you have not seen the film yet, DO NOT READ THIS. With that being said, lets get right into it.

Kylo Ren is the son of Han and Leia. Many have speculated that either Rey or Kylo Ren would be the offspring of Han and Leia, or Luke. Turns out we were right. We also learn that his name was Ben Solo and was later seduced to the Dark Side by Supreme Leader Snoke. I'm very interested to see how he was turned to the Dark Side and became such an unhinged character. We see his conflict during the film until his final confrontation with Han in Starkiller Base. He says he's being "torn apart," saying he knows what he has to do but doesn't know if he has the strength to do it. At that moment he asks Han if he can help him. Kylo Ren then extends the hilt of his lightsaber with both hands, Han gripping it with his, and proceeds to kill his father saying "thankl you." To me, Kylo Ren is showing no signs of redemption, being fully engulfed in darkness by killing his own father.

As for Rey, there are so many hints that she is Luke's daughter. First, her piloting skills mirror those of Anakin's, as well as her mechanical knowledge. She is also called to Luke's lightsaber in Maz Kanata's castle, triggering a flashback sequence (I will elaborate on this specific scene in a future post). Also, when Kylo Ren is trying to extract information from her mind using the Force, he describes her imagining an ocean and an island. That is the exact scenery of Luke's location. Whether she was there, or senses his presence in that island, remains to be seen. Finally, her ability to stand her ground against  Kylo Ren after Finn is injured, and using the Force to get Luke's lightsaber from the snow. It's no secret that Rey is very strong with the Force.

I strongly believe Luke recognizes Rey when she arrives on that island. The look on his face is that of realization that his daughter has found him. He has been in hiding since his plans to train a new generation of Jedi were thwarted by an apprentice that turned against him. I believe that apprentice is Kylo Ren, especially since Leia explicitly states that she sent him to train with Luke. After that happened, Han said he turned away from it all. I think Episode VIII will answer a lot of the questions posed by Episode VII and be the darkest film of the trilogy.

As for the film as a whole, there are similar beats to A New Hope but it is definitely not a rip-off. Yes, we have Starkiller base and it's very reminiscent of the Death Star, but history does repeat itself. I have no problem believing that the First Order would try to complete the objective of the Empire by building something even more devastating. After all, they did destroy 5 planets. This film does require multiple viewings, though. Not because it's difficult to understand, but because you pick up new things and enjoy it more each time you see it. I would rather not give a play-by-play review of the film because I want you guys to experience it for yourselves. Those were just the major plot points, in my opinion, that needed to be discussed.

The score for The Force Awakens is fantastic as well. Requires a few listens because it is different, but it definitely grows on you.

As for Episode VIII, I want to know a few things. What training does Kylo Ren need to complete according to Snoke? Where does this leave Chewie? Will Poe Dameron and Finn become the pilots of the Falcon along with Chewie? Is Rey Luke's daughter? I can't wait a year and a half.

My score for this movie is now a 9.5/10. I've seen this film 5 times and enjoy it more each time.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Snoke Is Plagueis Theory

After watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the identity of Snoke remained a mystery. I was not expecting any sort of reveal in Episode VII, but there is something that can give the Plagueis theory much more credibility. I don't consider this a spoiler as it deals with the soundtrack of the film and a piece of dialogue, but if anyone still has not seen it and wants to know absolutely nothing, stop reading now.

Supreme Leader Snoke has his own theme in The Force Awakens soundtrack. It is a choral theme, reminiscent of the Emperor's theme, but it is one that we've kind of heard before. In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin and Chancellor Palpatine are attending some sort of opera or performance of some kind. It is in this scene where Palpatine begins to tell Anakin about the "tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise." The music during this scene is indeed a very dark, monotone choral theme. So, I decided to play this particular track from the Revenge of the Sith soundtrack and Snoke's theme at the same time. They matched up almost perfectly. Someone also pointed out the fact that "Palpatine's Teachings" tone changes at the 2:03 mark. Snoke's theme is 2:04. I don't think John Williams did that by accident. Now, this very well could be a simple coincidence, but to have a piece of music, almost identical to a pivotal scene in the prequel trilogy, without having some meaning behind it seems a bit far-fetched.

There is also a moment in which a character in the new film says "The Supreme Leader is Wise." That could be nothing at all, or it can be a hint for those that follow these films and the canon closely. Also, when you see who says that particular line, it gives more weight to Snoke being a powerful figure.

Personally, this film furthers the theory for me. Snoke's theme has to be related in some way to that track in Revenge of the Sith. Especially since the rest of The Force Awakens soundtrack does not use much of the scores from the original trilogy, except the Force theme and Han and Leia's theme. There has to be a reason why John William's mirrored that specific scene from Revenge of the Sith.


Supreme Leader Snoke's theme:

Palpatine's Teachings:

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (No Spoilers)

Star Wars is back!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has brought us back to a galaxy far, far away once again and in a big way. As soon as the opening crawl began, I was hooked. It was extremely captivating and really succeeded in setting the tone for this new story.

The new characters were absolutely incredible and vastly exceeded my expectations. Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) was everything that was promised. A Resistance pilot who will not be intimidated and is afraid of no one. That is made apparent as soon as you meet the character. He is the Han Solo of the new cast, but he's not Han Solo (if that makes any sense). Poe Dameron is the face of the Resistance and that is made apparent by his strong loyalty to the cause and to those involved in the fight against the First Order.

Finn (John Boyega) is an extraordinary character because his story is one no one has seen before. Storm troopers have always been these dispensable characters that were never thought of as anything else. Now, we get a chance to see who is underneath the armor and explore that character, making it a personal journey. Also, while watching John Boyega's performance, you can tell how much effort he put into this role. Every scene was acted beautifully and his chemistry between the old and new cast was off the charts. Definitely a character that many will love.

Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) is a different kind of villain. We remember Darth Vader as this powerful, intimidating, and ruthless character that has a strong handle on himself. Kylo Ren, while having some of those qualities, is a very different character. One can tell that there is a gray area in his mind that still has to be explored. There is definitely a story to be told here.

Rey was, hands down, my favorite character. Her story is mysterious but raises many questions during, and after the film. Daisy Ridley did an absolutely masterful job executing this role, especially since this was her first film. She is the star of this movie. I will leave it at that for now until my spoiler review on the 21st.

Now, the overall story was fantastic. There are similarities to A New Hope, but that didn't take away anything from the movie. History repeats itself. I think J.J. Abrams wanted this film to bring back the feel of the original trilogy and he accomplished that goal, while setting the tone for this trilogy in a great way. This film feels like its on a mission the whole way through. There are no boring moments or forced humor. The only thing I will say is that this movie will require multiple viewings. Being 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, there is a lot of information to digest. You will be left with a lot of questions and I think that was the intention. But, if you feared this movie will not "feel" like Star Wars, don't worry about that at all. The action, humor, adventure, and every other feeling that the original trilogy conveyed is in this movie and it works.

As I mentioned before, I don't want to accidentally say something that could spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it yet. I will give a very detailed review of the overall film, character stories, and Episode VIII speculations on Monday.

My rating for Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 4.6/5

Monday, December 14, 2015

Last Post Until December 18th

There has been an awakening.

Finally, the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has arrived! The painfully long wait for some will end tonight, subjecting them to the greatest event in movie history. Yes, IN MOVIE HISTORY. An entire generation has been waiting to learn what happened after Return of the Jedi and 32 years later, they finally will.

This franchise means so much to so many people, myself included, that it doesn't seem real. I mean, Return of the Jedi ended the saga, right? I don't think reality will set in until I'm sitting in the theater on Thursday, waiting for the Lucasfilm logo, text, and opening crawl. Of course I'm going to cry. There's just no way that we aren't going to be emotional before, during and after this movie. We'll no longer be talking about what happened before, but what will happen next.

For many of us, Star Wars shaped our childhood, and has made us into the very people we are today. I know Kristian Harloff, Tiffany Smith, Mark Ellis and John Campea will be at the premiere today, and I couldn't be more happy for them. Due to their commentary on Jedi Council and Far, Far Away, I have become an even bigger Star Wars fan than I was before.

To avoid any spoilers, I will not be writing anything until the 18th. I will keep it spoiler free until Monday the 21st.

I hope you all have an amazing experience on the 17th, or 18th, as we take another step into an even larger world.

May the Force be with you. Always.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Thank You to Jedi Council and Far, Far Away

Some people just like to talk about Star Wars, others live for this stuff. The following people have made my love for these films grow so much and I have become so much more invested in this story because of Kristian Harloff, Mark Ellis, John Campea, John Rocha, Tiffany Smith and Mark Reilly. Before I started watching and listening to these shows, I was a huge Star Wars fan, but not at the level I am now. There's just something about listening to people talk about something they have a strong passion for. It's contagious.

Jedi Council is probably the best Star Wars show on YouTube. Period. The team of Kristian Harloff, John Campea, Mark Ellis and Tiffany Smith are absolute masters when it comes to the subject. From Kristian's vast knowledge on Star Wars canon that makes you spend all of your money buying the novels and comics (my credit card thanks you...), John's ability to expertly critique these films and talk about any Star Wars related subject that adds an unapologetic perspective to it, Mark's masterful job keeping this show running smoothly, adding his own thoughts and opinions while adding some hilarious commentary that every Star Wars fan can relate to, and Tiffany's opportunity to show that she is an invaluable addition to the Council since she can view this property from the female perspective and have us think about these films differently. Thursdays are now one of my favorite days of the week thanks to this show.

The Far, Far Away podcast, hosted by John Rocha and Mark Reilly, is another one of my absolute favorites. They do a perfect job discussing the latest Star Wars news, but have no problem staying away from talking spoilers. Considering our thirst for any piece of information regarding the upcoming film, I strongly commend them for having the will to stay away from those stories. Well done, gentlemen. Rocha and Reilly have also introduced a new segment where they take Twitter questions and answer them on the podcast. My absolute favorite thing about these guys is their ability to interact with the fans. Honestly, if you reach out to them on Twitter, I can almost guarantee that you'll find yourself getting something in return. They are fans, talking to other fans about this awesome franchise. Doesn't get any better than that.

Above all, they make their fans feel like family.

Thank you to Kristian Harloff, Mark Ellis, John Campea, Tiffany Smith, Mark Reilly and John Rocha for being a part of our day when all we want to do is talk Star Wars. I wouldn't want anyone else representing this property other than you guys.

May the Force be with you. Always.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Music

Star Wars is synonymous with triumph. Not only for the story, but for the music. Whenever you hear the main title theme, you can't help but feel a tidal wave of emotions. I can't tell you how many times I have envisioned what the atmosphere will be like on December 17th when the lights go down and we see the familiar blue lettering of "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." And then the classic John Williams score begins. For us hardcore fans, this music has a special place in our hearts. I'd imagine many of us play the soundtracks on our way to work, school, or if we're just at home, because it just feels good. We remember the Force theme playing while Luke is staring out at the twin Suns, the Imperial March synonymous with Darth Vader, Han and Leia's theme that, to this day makes people tear up (as we saw in the first official trailer for The Force Awakens), the Emperor's haunting choral theme, and Luke's heroic theme. All of these songs trigger an emotion in every Star Wars fan that we can't help but smile. John Williams has given us countless classics such as Jaws, Indiana Jones, E.T., Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and so many others. But, without a doubt, Star Wars transcends them all. His ability to make such captivating music that correlates perfectly with what is happening onscreen is nothing short of amazing. I can't wait to hear what he has created for this newest chapter in the Star Wars saga. 

May the Force be with you. Always. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Chinese Trailer for The Force Awakens

A week away and they are still coming! This trailer has new footage, new dialogue and makes you feel the feels in an awesome moment. See for yourself! 

My Evolution as a Star Wars Fan

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens being a week away, I wanted to reflect on my life as a Star Wars fan because it's always fun to go back and reminisce.

I am of the generation that grew up with the prequels. To me, when I was a kid, they were the greatest onscreen creations and no one could tell me otherwise. I remember playing the Obi-Wan video game for the original Xbox, the Phantom Menace PC game, and Jedi Power Battles for the PS1. I also remember going to Star Wars Weekend in Disney World and having my face painted like Darth Maul. Long story short, I was a prequel fanboy throughout the early part of my life.

Why? Honestly, the original trilogy was boring to me at first...

My generation loved spectacle more than story, at least from my point of view. We liked seeing things that looked cool and didn't really pay attention to anything else. I mean, I was born in 1996, so I was 9 by the time Revenge of the Sith was released. I think its only natural since the 70's and early 2000's were such different times. My dad always talks about his first experience watching Star Wars in 1977 as a 12 year old kid and being absolutely amazed by it. Then I would watch the original trilogy and be kind of bored...Dad, I'm so sorry. I was seduced by the dark side of CGI.

As I got older and began to mature, I had come to realize why everyone regarded these films as some of the best, if not the best films of all time. For example, I used to think A New Hope was an incredibly boring movie, but now its probably my favorite, along with Empire. My favorite scene is when Obi-Wan is giving Luke that little history lesson about the Force, the Jedi, and Vader. The mystery behind what he is talking about is extremely captivating and makes the progression of those films all the more exciting. It's sort of the same thing with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I used to think the Fellowship of the Ring was boring as well, but now it's my favorite of the three. Thematically speaking, they follow the same formula.

Empire Strikes Back remains the greatest sequel of all time, in my opinion. The music during the Battle of Hoth has to be my favorite in the entire saga and that particular scene is my favorite to play in Shadows of the Empire. Also, the overall chemistry of the cast is fantastic in this film, especially in the more dramatic moments of the films. And, this movie contains one of the most iconic scenes in movie history between Luke and Darth Vader. You all know what I'm talking about.

Return of the Jedi used to be my favorite of the trilogy as a kid because it was more fast paced and it had a happy ending for the main cast. When you're young, you don't want to experience those moments that cause incredible hardships for your favorite characters. I think, since Return of the Jedi ended with the main cast partying with Ewoks, I liked it the most. Plus, Luke's green lightsaber was my favorite. It wasn't until I got older that I understood how good A New Hope and Empire were because of the obstacles they had to overcome, and in Empire specifically, didn't necessarily succeed in overcoming them.

Star Wars is such a big part of my life and I'm glad I experienced those films as I got older, appreciating them more and more along the way. I hope J.J. Abrams is able to bring that feeling from the original trilogy and translate it to the big screen once again, and I'm confident that he will.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Snoke Controversy

Earlier today a picture surfaced from a Spanish magazine allegedly showing Supreme Leader Snoke for the first time. Up until now, we have only read descriptions, the most recent being from Andy Serkis himself. I came across the picture first while watching Collider Movie Talk and both Kristian Harloff and John Campea said they had spoken to a few sources that confirmed the picture. Oh boy...

I will not post the photo here because I know how many feel about spoilers, or seeing anything related to The Force Awakens for that matter. But, what I will say, is that this picture will give a certain theory some traction.

The photo in question is still under some scrutiny because we can't really confirm anything until we see the movie. All that we know has, in some way or another, been confirmed by those involved with the movie, whether it be members of the cast, J.J. Abrams or Kathleen Kennedy. I would still encourage you to stay away from that particular story because it has the potential to ruin a big part of the new trilogy.

Fellow Star Wars fans that don't care about spoilers and want as much POTENTIAL info about the film, here is the link to the Collider Movie Talk segment where they discuss this story (*they do show the picture*):

New 15 TV Spot and Full Global Press Conference Released

A new 15 second TV spot features some new dialogue from Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac). Check out the new clip here, courtesy of

Also, the Star Wars: The Force Awakens global press conference has been released. Fans now have some new interviews to watch and dissect. Here are the new clips, courtesy of (what can I say, this site is freaking awesome):

Monday, December 7, 2015

Two New TV Spots for The Force Awakens

They just keep on coming! Here are two new TV spots, both showing new shots and a very funny exchange between Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Han Solo. There may be one potential spoiler at the very end of the Disney XD spot, but that is left to interpretation. Other than that, these remain spoiler free (in my opinion) and only show footage of scenes we have already been shown in previous trailers and spots. Enjoy! 

(Both of the following clips are courtesy of

Disney XD spot:

Second TV spot:

ABC Exclusive Look and Univision TV Spot

Last night, we were awarded once more with some more spoiler-free footage of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The new exclusive look, courtesy of ABC Family (Freeform sounds weird), gave us a bit more of Rey. It began with the opening of the official trailer which was released back in October during halftime on Monday Night Football, and really showed us nothing more than a couple of new shots of Rey, inside and outside of that downed Star Destroyer, made famous in Lost Stars.

The Univision TV spot gave us a bit more in terms of dialogue, a couple of new shots, but remained spoiler free. We have Finn taking out some TIE fighters from the turret in the Millennium Falcon, along with Poe being a badass in the X-Wing.

Since we are 11 days away, or 10 depending on when you were able to get tickets, I think we're going to be safe from any spoiler filled content. Kathleen Kennedy had said that they are purposefully not releasing any content that would give any inclination as to the central plot of this film, mainly because she respects the fans when they say, "We want to be surprised." I think that speaks volumes to their understanding of this hardcore fan base and the property in general. Hopefully, we won't get any leaks during these final days before the release of the film, but then again, it is the internet.

Here are the links to the ABC Exclusive and the Univision TV spot.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Short Recap of the Press Conference for The Force Awakens

In todays Star Wars: The Force Awakens press conference, moderated by Mindy Kaling, the cast of the film, along with J.J. Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy and Lawrence Kasdan, answered some questions regarding the upcoming film and confirmed a few things for us.

1) According to J.J., there is no post-credits scene in the new film. There were rumors that fans would get to see something from Rogue One, but apparently that rumor has been proved to be false.

2) There are no Ewoks in the film according to J.J. Since Warwick Davis was seen in the Behind the Scenes trailer earlier this year, many assumed he would reprise his role as Wicket from return of the Jedi.

3) No Jar Jar! Although Oscar Isaac did hope that Kylo Ren would turn out to be the most beloved character in the Star Wars universe.

4) Adam Driver spoke about Kylo Ren and said that the character isn't simple "bad, evil, or a villain" but someone who feels like they are "morally justified."

5) The original costume that was designed and pitched for Kylo Ren was that of Captain Phasma. J.J. then said that for story reasons it didn't work out.

This story was found on Star Wars News Net. Click the link for the full story:

Possible Outcomes for the Cast of Star Wars: Rebels

Star Wars Rebels has quickly become one of my favorite installments in the new Star Wars canon. From the classic feel and familiarity of the original trilogy to the new storylines with unfamiliar characters, it has made the start of the rebellion very exciting to watch. One interesting topic of conversation that often comes up with this show is how these characters factor into the larger story, considering that these events could possibly tie directly into the upcoming film Rogue One or beyond.

As Star Wars fans, we love to speculate. I mean, just read the Darth Jar Jar theory. In this case, I think these speculations can lead us to some very interesting places. So, lets get started!

With Rogue One about a year away, I think it is possible that we can see Hera or Sabine mentioned in the film, or actually be in the film. Since they aren't force sensitive, I think it is much easier to have them survive the Rebels series and ultimately be around during that time. With Hera's father a figure in the Clone Wars, also a main character in Paul Kemp's Lords of the Sith, it would be no surprise that she would be right in the thick of things when the Death Star plans are stolen. We have already seen the kind of fearless character that Hera is, especially flying that B-Wing earlier this season on Rebels. As for Sabine, her story can get very interesting with her history. Maybe over the course of the show, something happens that causes her to abandon the rebellion and go it alone for a while. I don't think she would become sympathetic to the Empire, however. But, with her skills, she would be a fantastic addition to Rogue One should they choose to go that route.

This won't be popular, but I think Zeb could see his demise at some point during the series. Freddie Prinze, Jr. made an appearance on Collider Jedi Council where he mentioned that Kanan will experience some hardships this season and that some characters could get "clipped." I'm not insinuating that this will happen this season or next, but it would make for great character development if one of his best friends loses his life at the hands of the Empire, namely agent Kallus.

A beloved Clone Wars character could also become one with the Force as early as the end of this season. Yes, I'm talking about Ahsoka Tano. I think this could happen one of two ways. First, it can be a one-on-one battle between Vader and his former Padawan, something reminiscent of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan from Revenge of the Sith, but I think her initial intention will be to turn him back. Second, she confronts Vader in order to save the crew and by doing that, sacrifices herself. I also see a way in which she can survive. Now, for those of us who watched all 6 seasons of Clone Wars, *spoiler* we know that Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order after being wrongly convicted of bombing the Jedi Temple. That's why I don't think Ahsoka is a part of the equation when Yoda says, "When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be." It is possible that Ahsoka goes into hiding because she views herself as a danger to the Rebels as long as Vader is around, and lives out the rest of her days that way. It's a huge stretch, but it is possible.

Contrary to my belief on Ahsoka possibly surviving, I think there is absolutely no chance that Kanan survives. Some will say that he could survive and die in some way during the original trilogy, and I guess that could happen, but I personally don't buy it. Since he never left the Jedi Order, Kanan is technically still one of the only surviving members of the Order. That is made apparent in the latest Rebels episode in which Ahsoka is talking to Kanan about "Jedi business" and he responds with, "I guess I qualify," followed by Ahsoka replying with, "You qualify more than I do." If the Star Wars story group wants to keep all of these plot points making sense, it would be very odd if they allow Kanan to survive past Return of the Jedi at the very least.

Finally, we have the eventual fate of Ezra. His skills have developed at such a fast pace that I believe he will soon surpass Kanan in that respect. To make the relationship between Kanan and Ezra become a very emotional one, imagine the shocking revelation that Ezra has turned to the dark side. Why do I think this will happen? Two things come to mind. When speaking with Yoda in season 1, he is very adamant about gaining power in the name of protecting the ones he loves. That's very reminiscent of Anakin's reasoning for following Palpatine's teachings. The second being the latest preview of the upcoming Rebels episode in which it shows him attacking the Inquisitors with visceral anger. At some point, Ezra will see that Kanan has nothing left to teach him, thereby being drawn to the dark side in search of new abilities.

I'm probably nowhere close to Dave Filoni's plans for this show, but it's always fun to imagine you're a part of the story group. Anyway, what do you guys think? Am I onto something, or am I just a crazy old man?

New Interviews With Members of the TFA Cast!

Here are new interviews with Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Gwendoline Christie, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Harrison Ford and J.J. Abrams as part of the new press junket for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Kevin McCarthy does a fantastic job with the interviews and unabashedly shows his love for Star Wars. He makes us all proud.

Here is the 22-minute long interview:

Can Star Wars: The Force Awakens Live Up to the Hype? Answer: No

Star Wars fans have been anticipating this new film since Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion in late 2012, getting the creative and imaginative wheels turning again in our minds after 10 long years. Granted, there has been new Star Wars content since Revenge of the Sith, but nothing on the big screen. Expectations are sky high, due to the people involved and the return of the original cast, and rightly so. But, can this movie live up to the hype?

Short answer: No.

In an interview with Reuters, J.J. Abrams was asked this very question and I think he is absolutely right. How can any film live up to these expectations? The fans have been waiting for a Star Wars film to capture that feeling of wonder, amazement and connection to a world that has become so beloved over the past 38 years. Many feel that the prequels missed the mark, from the story execution to the overall feel of all three films, it was a huge let down. Now, we have the opportunity to bring this franchise back to its glory days with a group of people that love and adore this franchise. The issue here is that we all have a vision of what we would like to see on screen, and if what we would like to see doesn't come to fruition, it somehow failed.

I mean, look at how many fan made trailers have been made and the possible plots for the film that have been written. There are many Star Wars fans out there that have already written their movie and will only be satisfied if they're the ones behind the camera.

I think Mark Ellis of Schmoes Know, also a host of my personal favorite Star Wars related show, Jedi Council on Collider Videos, hit the nail on the head when he said he'll take whatever story J.J. Abrams decides to tell. That is the perfect mindset to have going into this film. Forget about what you think you know and what you want to see. Just enjoy the experience.

For those of you who want to become even bigger Star Wars fans, here are some shows to check out:

Collider Jedi Council:

Far, Far Away:

Jedi Alliance:

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Star Wars Launch Bay and New Star Tours Jakku Scene in Disney World

As many have read, Disney's new Season of the Force has begun in Disneyland, transforming Tomorrowland into all things Star Wars and will soon be making its way to Disney World. One of the attractions that I have been most looking forward to is the re-imagining of Space Mountain, now called Hyper Space Mountain. This ride will put you in the middle of a dogfight between the Rebel Alliance X-Wings and the Imperial TIE Fighters with the classic John Williams score accompanying you along the way. Then, we have the addition of a scene from Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Star Tours that takes you to the new planet Jakku. And finally, the long anticipated Star Wars Launch Bay, or as I like to call it, the appetizer for Star Wars Land.

I recently made the short trip to Disney World to check out the new Star Wars attractions that have been added in Hollywood Studios (one of the perks of living 3 hours away) and I was blown away. Lets start with the new addition to Star Tours.

Before this new addition, there were multiple destinations that one would travel to as part of a mission on behalf of the Rebel Alliance. Now, everyone has the chance to experience a new destination from the upcoming film. The ride begins the same way with one of the passengers being labeled as a rebel spy and then off you go. After R2 takes the shuttle out of hyperspace, the shuttle then finds itself in the middle of a chase between the Millennium Falcon and a couple of TIE Fighters (as seen in the trailers for the film). Finn (John Boyega) then appears on screen, warns Star Tours about the current situation and then the chase continues. The Jakku sequence ends with the shuttle flying through the downed Star Destroyer, encounters some scavengers, and then hightails it back into space. Finally, before continuing on the main ride, an incoming message from BB-8 appears on screen, speaking of a mission that you will soon embark on. Overall, the sequence was fantastic, especially the music. I'm not sure if it was music from the new film or from the original trilogy, but it was great nonetheless.

Now, onto Star Wars Launch Bay.

I was looking forward to this attraction the most, by far. The Launch Bay begins with a short 10 minute video, focusing on the people involved in Star Wars, from the writers to the directors, talking about their love for Star Wars and the projects they're involved in and what's to come. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me tear up.

After the video, you are now walking into the greatest Star Wars exhibit that I've ever seen. From props spanning the original trilogy, to the prequels, to Star Wars: Rebels, and photo opportunities with Darth Vader and Chewie, it's a total blast. There is also a section that allows you to play Disney Infinity which was a very fun time. My personal favorite part of the Launch Bay, which I was absolutely blown away by, were the lightsaber props (Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka Tano, Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Mace Windu), and the art from all 6 films, which leads me to this one piece of advice that I think is very important before you step foot in this place: BRING A LOT OF MONEY. Pictures cannot do this amazing exhibit justice. Experience it yourself. May the Force be with you.

Has Star Wars: The Force Awakens Really Spoiled Anything?

Remember when we were clamoring for new Star Wars: The Force Awakens footage, trailers, news, and pretty much anything related to the new film? Well...we got what we asked for and A LOT more.

The new trailers and TV spots, along with magazine articles and TV interviews, have made us hardcore Star Wars fans extremely excited for this new film that seems to be hitting all the right marks, but lets be honest, we were on board from the very beginning. This is all for the casual fans that have yet to immerse themselves in the universe as much as those who quote these movies in regular conversation and read the novels and comic books. I think that is precisely why many people have an issue with the amount of footage and information we are currently being subjected to.

However, I am on the opposite side of this issue. I don't believe much has been spoiled in terms of what we have been shown or told by anyone.

If one looks at all of the trailers and TV spots, there is very little context as to where the story is going, in part because there is very little dialogue. We have only seen, really, three parts of the movie that are part of a much larger narrative, those being: Jakku, Maz Kanata's castle, and the apparent lightsaber battle between Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Finn (John Boyega). Sure, from those trailers and TV spots, you can sort of assume how the movie proceeds chronologically, but in terms of context, there is very little that would give anyone the exact plot of the film. Also, this movie is over 2 hours long. I'm almost positive that a few minutes of a trailer, plus TV spots that have only furthered a specific scene and have given us no new, crucial information, will not ruin this movie in the least. This isn't Batman vs. Superman or Age of Ultron.

Now, spoilers are a different issue because we have a choice in viewing those specific stories. If its your job to write about these stories, then you're kinda screwed. But, in my opinion, if you are subject to spoilers, you're either looking for them or its shared on social media. Twitter being the biggest culprit (Star Wars Q&A fiasco). If there is a suspicious title on any site discussing a story related to Star Wars, just don't click on it if you want to go in blind. Social media will be harder to navigate because you can't stop people from being morons, but that just comes with the territory.

Simply put, as Star Wars fans, we want to be oblivious going into this movie, but that doesn't mean that anything related to Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a spoiler because that is just silly. But, that's what we're doing.