Monday, December 21, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILERS)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been in theaters for a few days now which means its time for a spoiler filled review. If you have not seen the film yet, DO NOT READ THIS. With that being said, lets get right into it.

Kylo Ren is the son of Han and Leia. Many have speculated that either Rey or Kylo Ren would be the offspring of Han and Leia, or Luke. Turns out we were right. We also learn that his name was Ben Solo and was later seduced to the Dark Side by Supreme Leader Snoke. I'm very interested to see how he was turned to the Dark Side and became such an unhinged character. We see his conflict during the film until his final confrontation with Han in Starkiller Base. He says he's being "torn apart," saying he knows what he has to do but doesn't know if he has the strength to do it. At that moment he asks Han if he can help him. Kylo Ren then extends the hilt of his lightsaber with both hands, Han gripping it with his, and proceeds to kill his father saying "thankl you." To me, Kylo Ren is showing no signs of redemption, being fully engulfed in darkness by killing his own father.

As for Rey, there are so many hints that she is Luke's daughter. First, her piloting skills mirror those of Anakin's, as well as her mechanical knowledge. She is also called to Luke's lightsaber in Maz Kanata's castle, triggering a flashback sequence (I will elaborate on this specific scene in a future post). Also, when Kylo Ren is trying to extract information from her mind using the Force, he describes her imagining an ocean and an island. That is the exact scenery of Luke's location. Whether she was there, or senses his presence in that island, remains to be seen. Finally, her ability to stand her ground against  Kylo Ren after Finn is injured, and using the Force to get Luke's lightsaber from the snow. It's no secret that Rey is very strong with the Force.

I strongly believe Luke recognizes Rey when she arrives on that island. The look on his face is that of realization that his daughter has found him. He has been in hiding since his plans to train a new generation of Jedi were thwarted by an apprentice that turned against him. I believe that apprentice is Kylo Ren, especially since Leia explicitly states that she sent him to train with Luke. After that happened, Han said he turned away from it all. I think Episode VIII will answer a lot of the questions posed by Episode VII and be the darkest film of the trilogy.

As for the film as a whole, there are similar beats to A New Hope but it is definitely not a rip-off. Yes, we have Starkiller base and it's very reminiscent of the Death Star, but history does repeat itself. I have no problem believing that the First Order would try to complete the objective of the Empire by building something even more devastating. After all, they did destroy 5 planets. This film does require multiple viewings, though. Not because it's difficult to understand, but because you pick up new things and enjoy it more each time you see it. I would rather not give a play-by-play review of the film because I want you guys to experience it for yourselves. Those were just the major plot points, in my opinion, that needed to be discussed.

The score for The Force Awakens is fantastic as well. Requires a few listens because it is different, but it definitely grows on you.

As for Episode VIII, I want to know a few things. What training does Kylo Ren need to complete according to Snoke? Where does this leave Chewie? Will Poe Dameron and Finn become the pilots of the Falcon along with Chewie? Is Rey Luke's daughter? I can't wait a year and a half.

My score for this movie is now a 9.5/10. I've seen this film 5 times and enjoy it more each time.

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