Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Two Major Questions I Hope Get Answered in Episode VIII

It's that time again ladies and gentlemen. We have 519 days until Episode VIII hits theaters, which means we have free reign on theories and speculations for a year and a half. So, without further ado, here we go!

1. Who is Rey?

Rey's origins are, for the most part, unknown. We first see her scavenging on Jakku, living inside a downed AT-AT, and living in isolation. Then, upon meeting BB-8, she says that she's been waiting for her family to return, which would explain the marks Rey is making in the inside of the walker. Also, during the vision that Rey is having after touching the lightsaber, it's clear that she was left on Jakku as a child. An observation I made the second time I saw the movie was that Unkar Plutt, the junk dealer on Jakku, can be seen dragging a young Rey away while she is yelling "Come back!" Upon further analysis, we then find out Obi-Wan can be heard saying "Rey, " as well as "These are your first steps." Has she had a connection with Obi-Wan in the past? Now, aside from those details, there are a select few that lead me to believe that Rey is Luke's daughter. First off, reading Before The Awakening, Greg Rucka expertly describes Rey's mechanical abilities, very reminiscent of Anakin's. She built her speeder and a flight simulator from spare parts. Secondly, she is a great pilot, as was Luke and Anakin. Thirdly, the way Leia acknowledges her after exiting the Falcon, it seems like she knows exactly who Rey is but wants her to find out the truth for herself. Lastly, the look of recognition when Luke sees her. I strongly believe he had just seen his daughter for the first time in a very long time. Also, who else was left on a desert planet for their own protection and ended up going on a heroes journey? Luke.

2. How did Ben Solo, now Kylo Ren, turn to the dark side?

From what was divulged in The Force Awakens, Ben Solo was seduced to the dark side by Supreme Leader Snoke. While on the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo informs Finn and Rey that Luke was training a new generation of Jedi, until one "turned against him and destroyed everything." What was the catalyst that led Ben Solo down a dark path? As we can see from The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren has an obsession with his grandfather. One would assume that Luke made clear that Darth Vader ceased to exist once he was redeemed and thus became Anakin Skywalker once again. Now, I read on that Anakin's force ghost was supposed to appear in Episode VII, but its the state of Anakin in the force that is interesting. The "Art of The Force Awakens" suggests that Anakin "flows" back and forth between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader. What if Ben Solo began to see the force ghost of Darth Vader and was slowly turned against the teachings of his uncle? In the film Kylo Ren does say "Show me again, the power of the darkness," all while sitting in front of Vader's mask. It suggests that it has happened before. There are also rumors that Hayden Christensen will appear in Episode VIII as a force ghost, but how will that play out? Will Luke and Rey be in the presence of Anakin Skywalker, while Kylo Ren and is in the presence of Darth Vader? It would be a fascinating thing to explore if the ability to flow between persona's is true.

We have 519 days to speculate, so why not throw some things out there to get the conversation going!

Here is the article:

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