Friday, January 8, 2016

Rey's Theme Apparently Hints At Her Identity

The most talked about theory concerning Star Wars: The Force Awakens is Rey's parentage. Since the film premiered, fans have been speculating online, citing specific moments in the film as well as general story points. Today, I think we may have some real proof as to who Rey really is, and it may not come as a surprise to many.

Tech Insider ran a story today that specifically targets "Rey's Theme" from the films soundtrack. The writer of the article, Sidney Fussell, goes on to examine certain clues that give us some meat to chew on when discussing Rey's identity.

The first thing Fussell points to is a specific point during "Rey's Theme" in which it resembles the Imperial March. During the 2:30-2:40 minute mark, one can make out some horns that resemble the classic theme. There are also audio clips in which fans have reversed the track, in turn making the parallels to Vader's iconic theme even more apparent. I think the most convincing clip that Fussell posted was from YouTube. In this video, the horn notes are played on piano normally, and then are reversed. Isolating that particular instrument gives the claim more validity since you are able to clearly hear the similarity.

Again, John Williams does not do these things by accident. If he makes certain pieces of music similar, there has to be a reason for it. That is why I believe Snoke will eventually be Darth Plagueis. The track from Revenge of the Sith is clearly very similar to Snoke's theme. Now, we have Rey's theme contain similarities to the Imperial March aka Vader's theme. This is no doubt pointing to the fact that she is a Skywalker. Binary Sunset is even brought up due to the fact that the flutes at the end of the track resemble Vader's theme, albeit "more optimistic."

This was a fantastic article that will raise a lot of questions. Personally, this has made it a strong 100% that Rey is Luke's daughter.

Tech Insider article:

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