Monday, January 4, 2016

Updated Theory On Rey's Backstory

So, I've been mulling over a few theories regarding Rey's story. Some details have remained in tact, but others have been completely thrown away. I guarantee this will happen until the day I see Episode VIII. But, for now, let me share my "updated" Rey theory. 

From what we know, Luke's apprentice (Ben Solo) turned against him and "destroyed everything" according to Han. Now, we know that Rey is 19 during the time of The Force Awakens, so I estimate that Kylo Ren would be in his late 20's, maybe 28 or 29. This would make it a 10 year difference and would make Rey about 5 or 6 at the time of the flashback sequence on Jakku, in turn making Kylo Ren 14 or 15. 

Here is where the fun begins. 

I believe that after Ren attacked the Luke's academy, where Rey had been training with her father (Luke), he took Rey and left her on Jakku. At this point, he wasnt fully engulfed in the dark side, making the killing of his family too much to handle. So, he takes his cousin and abandons her on Jakku, leaving her with Unkar Plutt, and wiped any memory she had of her training, him, her father or anyone strong in the force. I think that is why the "It is you," line in the novel is so important. Anyway, the reason I think he spared her, and why it's a possibility, is because even though Anakin had been killing the younglings, he still had no intention of killing Padmé, or Obi-Wan until their confrontation on Mustafar. I think the same thing was happening with Ben Solo. One thing that bugs me, though, is Rey yelling at the shuttle as it leaves. She either knows exactly who's in that shuttle, or just doesn't want to be left with Plutt. Honestly, who could blame her. 

Now, in regards to Rey's visions of an ocean and an island, it doesn't mean that she had to have been there before. I think that Rey was seeing Luke's location, reminiscent of Luke knowing exactly where Han and Leia were.  She's having these images in her head of this specific location, but doesn't know what it means. 

Finally, when she reaches Luke, we see him staring down at what appears to be a tombstone. It could also be a jagged rock, but if it's not, I think it could be the grave of her mother or even Han. This is just an idea, probably no validity whatsoever. 

Another interesting thought I had was about her fighting style. During the duel with Kylo Ren, the way she fought was reminiscent of Anakin, Luke, and...Palpatine. Rey does that stabbing motion many times during the fight, almost identical to Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith while engaging Windu. We know that Mara Jade was trained by Palpatine, so if they make that character from the EU canon, or some variation of her, it would lead me to believe that she trained with her mother as well. And, it would be freaking awesome. 

There are a lot of things to consider, but I think this is a very possible theory. With that being said, I'm probably 100% wrong. 

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